Management of collections

The Bpi manages a very extensive collection of documents (430,000 documents on all supports), which is at the centre of the activities of a large part of the staff.
It mobilises many skills among professionals of library and information sciences – whether it is acquisition and weeding-out, access to documents (catalogues, book labeling, sign systems …).

photographie des espaces et des publics de la Bpi.

Library policy

The library policy of the Bpi, formalised in a charter, is conditioned by its encyclopaedic nature and its great variety of audiences, as well as by full free access to the collections.

Lecteur et rayonnage, Bpi

Access to the collections

The Public Information Library (Bpi) chose to use the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system. This system is used for both intellectual and material reasons.

Rayons, Bpi

Evaluation of the use of the collections

The documents consulted by the audiences of the Bpi are recorded at least once, even several times a year, during 15-day periods called “Test-weeks”.

Donations of documents

As an up-to-date library, the Bpi regularly withdraws from its collections documents that may, under certain conditions, be given to other public reading institutions.